Ekaterina K. Stolyarovaa,#, Vladimir V. Minenkob,##

aMoscow Lomonosov State University, Moscow, Russia
bInstitute of Archaeology RAS, Moscow, Russia

#E-mail: kath.stoliarova@gmail.com
##E-mail: vvminenko@yandex.ru

Keywords: Vshchizh, Rus town, outer town, posad, pre-Mongolian period, finds of glass objects, glass bracelets, beads, glassmaking of Rus, products from Byzantium.

The town of Vshchizh in Rus has been known from chronicles since 1142. In the middle of the 12th century, it turned from a small border fortress into the capital of a small apanage principality, a vassal to Chernigov. In 1238, the city was ravaged by the troops of Batu and ceased to function as an urban settlement. The article considers glass objects of the Rus period found in the outer town and the posad (suburb) of Vshchizh (the total number is 198 objects). The overwhelming majority of this number is represented with bracelets (186 objects). In addition, there are six beads, four fragments of finger-rings and fragments of two vessels. Most of the finds (182 objects) are products of glass-making craft of Rus, the rest (16 fragments of bracelets) are attributed to Byzantine manufacture. The bulk of glassware dates back to the second half of the 12th – first third of the 13th century AD, and only a small number of items existed, possibly, in the second half of the 13th–14th century AD.

DOI: 10.31857/S0869606323030194, EDN: PPQNZA