Attention! Some additions have been made.

(New regulations are in italics)

  • The journal “Russian Archaeology” publishes theoretical and scientific research works on archaeology and allied disciplines, archaeological materials of great interest, critical essays and reviews of new publications on archaeology.
  • The articles, based on the analysis of materials collected in a field or received without an official permission of the government agency (Archaeological Excavation Permit) or have not been reposed to the State Museum Fund (the direction to the place of reposing is preferable), are not acceptable for publication.
  • The materials must be prepared in accordance with the regulations accepted in the journal.
  • All papers must be submitted in two copies, printed with the use of laser or ink-jet printer (Times New Roman, 14 pt., int. 1.5) on white paper (format 290×210) on one side. The e-version of the paper on a disk is obligatory. A brief resume in Russian (no longer than one page; English version is optional) as well as key words (no more than 10) must be submitted with the papers for sections “Articles”, “Publications”, “Discussions”. All irregular symbols must be written in legibly.
  • Detailed information about authors is provided on a separate page including mail and e-mail addresses and a phone number.
  • Total length of a paper, including tables, bibliography, picture captions and resume, must be no longer than 40,000 symbols with spaces and contain no more than 8 pictures. The length of a paper for section “Notes” must be no more than 15,000 symbols with spaces. Necrologies and anniversary publications for section “Chronicle” cannot exceed 10,000 symbols with spaces and must not be supplied with a list of scholar’s works (their most fundamental works must be mentioned in the article).
  • The beginning of a paper is as follow:




©2012, I.K. Reshetova

The Institute of Archaeology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (

Key words (no more than 10):

  • Pictures and drawings are submitted in two copies made in ink or printed with the use of laser printer, and photos – on glossy paper. The Xerox copies of archive documents especially of poor quality (drawings and etc.) are not acceptable. In this case only photos must be considered. Pictures are numbered in accordance with the reference order in an article. Picture captions are given on a separate page.
  • Page footnotes are given in two intervals at the bottom of the page with sequential numbering in whole paper (1, 2, 3,…).
  • References to bibliography and sources are given in parentheses – the author’s surname (without initials, except for the namesakes) or the short title (if the publication does not have authors), a year of publishing separated by a comma; a reference to the page, picture etc. separated by a full stop started with a capital letter. For example, (Koval, 2011. P. 46. Pic.12)
  • There is a general list of reference links and bibliography given in an alphabetical order on a separate page and consists of two parts: the first one – in Cyrillic alphabet, the second one – in Latin alphabet. The works belong to one author are given in a chronological order. Having the publications of the same year, they are marked by symbols “a”, “b”, “c”,…, including the first mentioning. The bibliography must be accompanied by the list of abbreviations on a separate page. The cataloguing is made based on the front page of publication. The year of publication in monographs and collection is put after the city and the name of a publisher, at the end of the reference the total amount of pages is pointed out. It is obligatory to point out the Editor-in-Chief or collector. Having references in collections and periodicals, it is necessary to point out the volume, the number, the issue, the pages, including foreign publications. For instance:

a monograph: Krenke N.A. The Dyakovo site. The culture of the citizens of the Moscow river basin in the 1st millennium BC – 1st millennium AD. M.: IA RAS, 2011. 548p.

a collection: The Archaeology of Moscow region. The materials of the scientific workshop. Issue 7/Editor-in-Chief A.V.Engovatova. M.: IA RAS, 2011.456p.

an article in a collection: Koval V. Y. “Rostislavl burial” (the site’s earthwork of the early Iron Age in Rostislavl site) // The Archaeology of Moscow region. The materials of the scientific workshop. Issue 7. M.: IA RAS, 2011. 35-57.

an article in a journal: Reshetova I.K. New anthropological materials of the Saltovo-Mayaki culture from the burial Verkhny Saltov-IV //RA.2012.№3. 129-136.

sources: The Pskovian Chronicles. 1st Ed. M.; L.: AS USSR, 1941. 147p.

archive records: Chernov S.Z. The report on the archaeological reconnaissance in the Vorya river basin in 1977 // The Archive of IA RAS. 1977. R-1. №6695.

  • Books and journals, sent for reviewing, are not to be returned.
  • All articles, corrected by authors, must be marked.
  • Anniversary and other articles, strictly tied to the dates, must be sent by the end of December of the previous year (otherwise there is no guarantee that it will be published in the anniversary year).
  • The submitted articles must be accompanied by a signed Agreement on the transfer of copyright to the publication of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which can be found on the website of the journal “Russian Archeology” on the site.

These regulations come into force at the moment of publishing in the journal.

Editors do not consider articles which were done in contradiction to the regulations!