S.V. Kuzminykh
Institute of Archaeology RAS, Moscow (kuzminykhsv@yandex.ru)

Key words: Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Laboratory of natural-scientific methods in archaeology, history of early metallurgy, radiocarbon chronology, nomads’ cultures, megastructure of Eurasian world.

The article presents a brief outline of the scientific activity of the known Russian archaeologist Prof. E.N. Chernykh. In December, 2015 he celebrated his 80th anniversary. In recent decades he was mostly engaged in three significant projects. The first one is related with multidisciplinary processing of the archaeological sources excavated by the Kargaly expedition, including their preparation for the comprehensive publication. The series “Kargaly” has been published in five volumes. The second project is focused on radiocarbon chronology of archaeological cultures of the Early metal period in North Eurasia. The third one is formulated as the paradigm of archaeology in the light of natural-scientific research methods.