Vadim S. Mosin*, Vladimir N. Shirokov**
* Southern Ural branch of Institute of history and archeology of the Ural office of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chelyabinsk (
** Institute of history and archeology of the Ural office of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg (
Keywords: Southern Ural, location, middle Paleolithic Age, Levallois, a scraper, a core.

The note describes eight stone artefacts from the collection of the archaeological explorations at the south of Chelyabinsk Oblast, found in the conditions of lithogene, modern steppe and forest steppe landscapes, on the territory of Kartalinsky, Bredinsky and Troitsky Districts of Chelyabinsk Oblast. The morphology of the makes allows referring them to the techno complex Le Moustier. The performed finds broaden the geography of the sites at the southern Ural.