Vadim A. Ranov *, Svetlana V. Shnaider**, Galina D. Pavlenok**
*The Institute of history named after A. Donish Tajik Academy of Sciences, Dushanbe
**Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, Novosibirsk (;
Key words: Mesolithic, western part of Central Asia, Tutkaul site, geometric microliths.

This article discusses the lithic industries of Mesolithic horizons from Tutkaul site (Tajikistan), which is one of the key-site in the western part of Central Asia. Conducted techno-typological and attributive analyzes have allowed to provide detailed characteristics of those Mesolithic complexes and to propose the hypothesis that the origin of the local Mesolithic was associated with the evolutionary development of the Upper Paleolithic Kulbulak culture with imposed cultural infiltration from the territories of the Middle and Near East.