Liubov V. Pokrovskaia, Elena A. Tianina

Lomonosov Moscow State University (;

Покровская_Тянина_Рис 2Key words: amulets, manors, Yaryshev Street, Troitsk excavation, Liudin konets, archaeology of the medieval Novgorod, paganism.

The article presents the amulets found in the Troitsk excavation in the Yaryshev Street manors (Veliky Novgorod). Their chronological distribution in general approves common tendencies of the amulets’ distribution in Novgorod. However, some features are eliminated, which characterize ethnical and social structure of the manor inhabitants. The study of the amulets found in the manors adjoined to the Yaryshev Street showed the constant use of the amulets by the medieval Novgorod citizens during for centuries. This justifies the awareness of their use and deep worldview roots.