Natalia N. Faradzheva

Institute of Archaeology RAS, Moscow (

Key words: Novgorod, Nerevskiy and Troitskiy excavation sites, residential complex, household buildings, construction technique, plan.

The article is devoted to the characteristics and comparative analysis of early construction of Liudin and Nerevskiy konets of medieval Novgorod based on the materials of Nerevskiy and Troitskiy excavation sites in which the building horizons of the 10th century have been studied. Certain differentiation of constructions included in the complex of early manor construction has been traced. The differences between residential and household buildings have been defined. Good preservation of early construction horizons of the Troitskiy excavation site gave an opportunity for new understanding of the plan and constructions of separate buildings of the Nerevskiy excavation site and detalisation of residential complexes. The equality of planning and constructions of buildings studied on different sites, the unity of methods and technologies used at constructing residential and household buildings and also the similarity of the approaches of improvement of the yards allow saying about the homogeneity of the building structure of first settlers colonized the territory of the Nerevskiy and Liudin konets.