Nedashkovskiy L.F.
Key words
: Golden Horde, Lower Volga region, cities, peripheries, structure, relations.

Every large city of the Lower Volga region in the Golden Horde period has its own periphery (from three to five towns). The village in the area in the time period of the Golden Horde sprang up simultaneously with the cities (the second half of the 13th – the beginning of the 14th cc.), but already ceased to exist at the end of the 14th c. The arable farming was more developed in the northern part of the region, in the periphery of the Uvek site which central part settlements were closely connected to each other. The groups of settlements also existed in the Tsarevskoe, Selitrennoe and Sharenyy Bugor regions, but in the periphery of Selitrennoe site and in the delta of Volga they had only formed by the first half – the middle of the 14th c. Settled periphery supplied the cities with food and raw materials in exchange for handicraft and expensive imported goods. While nomadic periphery was exchanging cattle products for handicraft ones specially made for nomads. They also received import goods. The Golden Horde cities of the Lower Volga region, therefore, were strongly bonded by the internal trade relations (based on the commodity-money relations) with settled and nomadic peripheries.