Kuznetsov P.F.

Key words: the site at Repin Khutor, Repin culture pottery, Pit-Grave culture, burials, radiocarbon dates.
The site of Repin Khutor in the middle reaches of the Don River has been studied for over half a century. The investigations revealed a specific ceramics style. A.T. Sinyuk defined the specific Repin archaeological culture. Its similarity to the Pit-Grave culture has always been an accepted fact. I.V. Sinitsyn was the first researcher of the site. He assumed that Repin Khutor was a settlement of the Pit-Grave culture. The defining of a specific Repin culture raises the question of its chronological relation to the Pit-Grave culture. The materials from Repin Khutor allowed obtaining 10 radiocarbon dates (6 for ceramics and 4 for bone). The sum of the probabilities indicates the interval within XXXIV–XXIX cal. BC (fi g. 4). The interval corresponds to the defined chronological time interval of the Pit-Grave culture in the Volga-Urals region. The author assumes that the Repin Khutor culture occupied the forest-steppe area of the Don-Donets region.