Ostapenko A.A.

Key words: Old Rus, Rostislavl Ryazansky, Christian antiquities, personal devotional objects, crosses, icons, encolpions, pectoral crosses.
The article analyses the collection of personal devotional objects from Rostislavl Ryazansky, an Old Russian town of the 12th–16th cc. The crosses and icons of the 12th – first half of the 14th cc. comprise a small number of items and belong to the types that were encountered throughout the territory of Old Rus. In the second half of the 14th – first half of the 15th cc. personal devotional objects became more numerous and diverse, and new items appeared, reflecting the new trends in the spiritual culture of Northern and Northeastern Rus. The crosses and icons of the second half of the 15th–16th cc. are few and relate to the Novgorod and Tver traditions of ornmental casting. The Rostislavl collection of personal devotional objects has its peculiarities, yet on the whole is typical for Old Rus towns of the 12th–16th cc.