Oleinikov O.M., Rudenko K.A.

Key words: Veliky Novgorod, Desyatinny 4 excavation site, copper kumgan of the 13th  century.
The 2010 excavations at Desyatinny 4 excavation site in Veliky Novgorod yielded a copper vessel of truncated cone shape and with a cylindrical neck. The height of the vessel is 20.5 cm. The bottom is of convex shape with a slightly concave flattened part in the center, the lip is cone-shaped, about 10 cm long, with a slight upward curve. The handle is not preserved, yet the traces of soldering on the vessel allow assuming that the handle was at least 10.5 cm long. Metal kumgans (jars) were a typical item of material culture of the Muslim Orient in the Middle Ages. In size, technology and shape the kumgan from Novgorod is analogous to copper vessels of the second half of the 13th – the beginning of the 15th cc. It belongs to the circle of everyday copper ware of the Oriental type, which in Eastern Europe was manufactured in the Bulgaria ulus during the Golden Horde time, and in Bulgaria Volga before that.