Blokhin V.G.,  Petrov P.A.

Key words: temple pendants, Black Klobuk, Polovets, Golden Horde times, ethnic and chronological attribution, migrations.
The article gives a characteristic of the medieval assemblages which contain temple pendants with biconic beads and conic spikes. Historiography gives different chronological attribution (from 12th to 14th cc.) and ethnic identification (Black Klobuk, Polovets, Saksin) for the burials which contain such pendants. The pendants from the Lower Volga show uniform typological and technological characteristics, hence we may assume they belong to a rather narrow chronological horizon. However, the assemblages belong to different types from the point of view of the traditional typology based on the orientation of the corpse and the features of the accompanying horse burial. This typological diversity may point to the heterogeneity of the nomad group that left the assemblages in question. The article substantiates the connection of the assemblages from the Lower Volga with the burials in the river Ros’ region, which indicates that nomads from the Black Klobuk alliance may have moved to the Volga region in Golden Horde times.