Orphinskaya O. V., Mikhailov K. A.

Key words: Middle Ages, костюм XIII в., древнерусская одежда, dress from Izjaslavl, Polovets kaftan, reconstruction of costume, medieval textile, linum, cotton.
“The dress from Izjaslavl” being a unique find of almost an undamaged sewed piece of work took one of the places of honor among real archaeological finds of the Old Russian clothes. The researches done in a modern scientific level revealed that this cloth is not a woman’s dress at all but is likely a man’s kaftan which analogues can be found in a Polovets costume. A new look at the well-known material showed how little we know. This fact also led to an attentive and very accurate reexamination of some facts and allowed to set new tasks in studying of the Old Russian costume.