Mastykova A.V.

Key words: Middle Danube region, “Antae’s antiquities”, Penkovka and Kolochino cultures, steppe nomads, Danube traditions.
The article covers the double inhumation burial that was discovered in 1962 near Razinkovo village in the Kursk Oblast. The adornments from the grave show a connection with the crafts of the Middle Danube region, whereas the iron torque may indicate the second half or last third of the 7th c. The article gives attention to the place of the find from Razinkovo in the overall historical and cultural context of the Middle Dnieper region. The second half of the 7th c. saw the emergence of Pastyrskoye Gorodische, where the culture had no prominent Slavic features. It is likely that the new place of power on the Dnieper attracted sedentary non-Slavic populations from the south, – the Danube region, North Caucasus and the North Pontic. The context helps explain the combination of Alanic burial rite features and Danube adornments in the burial.