Stolyarova D.A.

Key words: ornaments, nonferrous and precious metal, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, visual analysis, moulding, plastic deformation, solder, wire, tool.
The article tells of the manufacturing technology, including the chemical composition of the metal, of the ornaments from Mamisondon cemetery (8th c.) in the Zaramag basin. Ninety-five ornaments made of nonferrous and precious metals have been inspected and studied under optical microscope with l0x to 500x magnification. The chemical composition of the metal of 74 ornaments, represented by 88 samples, has been studied with nondestructive energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. The results of the study reveal the technological schemes of manufacturing the ornaments, the high level of the technological skills that were applied, and the diversity of the instruments and alloys that were used by the jewelers.