Hamakawa M., Aleksandrova O.I.

Key words: traceology, planigraphy, experiment, microtrace, microdebitage, scraper, microspall,  linear traces, microrelief.
The article presents a functional and planigraphic analysis of the microdebitage from the northeastern part of Kamennaya Balka II Upper Paleolithic site. Traceological study of the scrapers found at the location allowed identifying a block of microtraces which is identical to the one observed on the microdebitage. The specific features of the cutting edge of the scrapers and of the microspalls allowed identifying a group of objects which showed traces of work with hides. The spatial distribution of the scrapers and the microdebitage follows common regularities. Planigraphic analysis of the microdebitage revealed a circular structure, part of which is a concentration of microspalls showing traces of work with hides. That concentration is where most of the scrapers have been found. The identical signs of wear on the microdebitage objects and the scrapers, as well as the fact that they tend to be located near a patch of red ochre, allow assuming that hides were worked at that part of the site. The herein presented method of analyzing flint material allows identifying the locations of specific activities and undetected objects in the occupation layer.