Krenke N.A., Leonova E.V., Melekestsev I.V., Pevzner M.M.

Key words: Kamchatka, Stone Age, geomorphology, stratigraphy, tephrochronology, radiocarbon dating, palaeogeography, Late Pleistocene, Holocene.
In 2007 an integrated archaeological and geological study of the Ushki occupation sites was carried out. The sites are located on the rim of a fluvioglacial erosional plain. We have identified layers of ash in the Holocene part of the cross-section and found the Holocene/Pleistocene boundary. The borders of the occupation sites are provisional, and artifacts which correlate with the oldest Upper Paleolithic layer can be encountered both on the shore between the “occupation sites” and in the lake area. Radiocarbon dating for the lens of charcoal from the cross-section between Ushki 1 and 4, where the deepest-lying artifacts have been found, showed 11800+35. The article gives an outline of the work required for answering some of the debatable questions
and identifies the areas within the Kamchatka river valley that could yield other Paleolithic sites.