Zin’kovskaya I.V.

Key words: barbarian chamfer enamels, Balts, Goths, Veneti,  Late Zarubintsy sites, Upper Don region.
The article publishes new finds from the Upper Don region. The artifacts (bronze armlets, a chain link and fibulae) belong to the circle of chamfer enamels. No Late Zarubintsy sites have yet been discovered in the region, hence we can assume that the finds of East European items of the enamels circle are connected with the migration of some part of the Late Zarubintsy population from the Middle Dnieper region to the river Oskol and further east to the river Khoper in the second half of the 2nd c. We should also note that no artifacts of the enamels circle have been encountered at sites from the second half of the 3d c. of the Kashirka-Sedelki type on the Upper Don. Most probably, the finds of artifacts of the circle of chamfer enamels in the forest-steppe Don region indicate that sites of the Late Zarubintsy type can be discovered there. For that we need further investigations and search for settlements in the Upper Don region that would have strata with typical Late Zarubintsy materials.