Pelyashenko K.Yu., Grechko D.S.

Key words: Dnieper-Don forest-steppe, hand-made jar, Scythian period, typology
The article is devoted to the innovations in the ceramics tradition that appeared in the 5th c. BC on the territory of the Dnieper-Don forest-steppe. In the second half of the 6th – the beginning of the 5th cc. BC significant changes occurred in the pottery assemblage of the population of the Scythian forest-steppe, especially in the production of table and household vessels. A completely new category of hand-made ware appeared, i.e. jars. In this context, the following issues appear to be the most relevant: origin of the form, function of the ware, and territorial and chronological differentiations. The authors are of the opinion that the new form appeared under the influence of an external tradition, that of classical antiquity; however, the true reasons lie in the change of economic priorities that influenced the diet. In the 5th – 4th cc. BC jars replaced some categories of table and household vessels and became part of the regular household utensils.