L.O. Smirnova
The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia
E-mail: Smirnova@hermitage.ru

Keywords: Penjikent, town planning, social structure of a pre-Arabian town, household, public building, bazaars, cattle-shed.

The article describes the “house of Tishfarn”, which was investigated by the Penjikent expedition in 2009–2014 on object XXVI-C. Throughout the entire period of its existence, the town house changed its functions, which vividly illustrates the changes in activity and status of owners: a nobleman (?) – a merchant – a craftsman – a farmer (?). In addition to its exciting history, the house features, at a certain construction stage, one more specimen of a rare public building and also a rare case of cattle-shed in Pendjikent. The period of habitation of the premises complex in question corresponds to the main chronological section, which Penjikent provides, from the middle 7th century to around 770s. The results of the study are compared with the achievements of the archaeology of Penjikent over the past 70 years and make another contribution to the collection of materials gathered by the Penjikent expedition.

DOI: 10.31857/S086960630004191-9