Artur R. Laskin1*, Ekaterina G. Devlet2, Marianna A. Devlet2, Yuri M. Svoyskiy3,**, Ekaterina V. Romanenko3,***

1Khabarovsk Territorial Centre for the Preservation of Historical and Cultural Monuments, Khabarovsk, Russia
2Institute of Archaeology RAS, Moscow, Russia
3RSSDA Laboratories, Moscow, Russia

Keywords: Far East, the Amur-Ussuri province of rock art, Sheremetyevo, rock images, documentation of petroglyphs, anthropomorphic face masks, zoomorphic figures.

The article presents the results of latest research of Sheremetyevo petroglyphs on the river Ussuri (Far East, Khabarovsk Territory, Vyazemsky District). During the works of 2016–2018, at locations 2 and 3 of the Sheremetyevo rock art complex, Petroglyphic detachment of the Institute of Archaeology RAS led by E.G. Devlet, together with members of the Centre for the Preservation of Historical and Cultural Monuments of Khabarovsk Territory and the RSSDA Laboratory discovered new anthropomorphic and zoomorphic images made on the vertical surfaces of the rocky outcrops of the Ussuri right bank. Revealing those petroglyphs became possible due to the removal of moss and lichens, and their detailed study was conducted by means of building a 3D polygonal surface model. The identified images (face masks and the presumed scene of a predator hunting a wild boar) replenished the petroglyphic corpus of the Amur-Ussuri rock art province in the Russian Far East.

DOI: 10.31857/S086960630007221-2