Aleksandra L. Avtushkova1,*, Denis O. Plakhuta2,**

1The Novosibirsk State Museum of Local Lore, Russia
2Novosibirsk State Agrarian University, Russia


Keywords: Novosibirsk Region, the Tasmola culture, the Begazy-Dandybai culture, burial mounds, horse gear, accompanying altars.

The main distribution area of the Tasmola culture sites is the territory of Northern and Central Kazakhstan, the Southern Trans-Urals. In 2014–2017, a number of Tasmola burial mounds were found in Novosibirsk Region during archaeological monitoring. Significant number of surface finds were collected, represented mainly by horse gear showing cultural similarities with analogous items from the Early Iron Age sites of Central Kazakhstan, Gorny Altai, Tuva, and Central Asia. There are also unique things, close analogies of which have not yet been found. Tasmola culture sites of Novosibirsk Region are synchronous with similar sites in other territories. The Tasmola culture on the territory of Novosibirsk Region is a particular phenomenon: the history of its origin and existence in this area has not yet been revealed. A Begazy-Dandybai settlement of the Late Bronze Age found during a re-examination of the same site in 2017 in combination with the subsequent Tasmola culture spreading in the same area indicates a new, previously unknown episode in the archaeology of Early Iron Age nomadic cultures, which existed far north from the main area of their distribution.

DOI: 10.31857/S086960630008860-5