Kirill A. Vakh

“Indrik” Research and Publishing Centre


Keywords: Palestine, Jerusalem, history of archaeology, holy places, Antonin Kapustin, Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society.

An analysis of the text of Archimandrite Antonin Kapustin’s unpublished diary and analysis of photographs of excavations in Jerusalem from the collection of the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society made it possible to partially restore the progress and results of works on the dismantling and conservation of the prominent site of the Jerusalem historical topography – the arch in the eastern part of the site of the Resurrection Church (now located in the Alexander Nevsky Metochion). The paper introduces new facts about the discoveries made during excavations and subsequent construction on the Russian site and considers the motive that prompted Antonin (Kapustin) to attempt to reconstruct the second part of the arch. The author discusses the current condition of the monument in detail. The subject matter of the article is part of a more comprehensive work on the history of the excavations conducted by the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society in Jerusalem in 1883, which analyzes their results announced publicly. The featured material and conclusions of the study will contribute to further research in archaeological sites of Jerusalem.

DOI: 10.31857/S086960630014590-8