Vladimir V. Enukova, #

a Research Institute for Archaeology of South-East Rus, Kursk State University, Kursk, Russia 

#E-mail: vyenukov@gmail.com

Keywords: the Dnieper left bank, Sakhnovka-Volyntsevo horizon, the Romny culture, the fortified settlement of Oposhnya, residential construction, graphic reconstruction, the Early Middle Ages.

The fortified settlement of Oposhnya stands out among the antiquities of the last quarter of the 1st millennium AD in the Dnieper left bank owing to the fact that it has been conventionally placed between the Volyntsevo cultural and chronological horizon and the Romny archaeological culture. Excavations by I.I. Lyapushkin, O.V. Sukhobokov and S.P. Yurenko explored a significant part of the site, which contains 23 residential structures. The article is an attempt to conduct a reconstructive analysis in order to restore their appearance, the interpretation of which is rather controversial in research literature. The author concludes that the dwellers of Oposhnya typically lived in the structures consisting of shallow pits rectangular in plan covered with a large log-frame. A similar design dominated among the residential construction of the Romny culture carriers of the subsequent period.

DOI: 10.31857/S0869606322010044