Гайдуков_и_дрPyotr G. Gaidukova,#, Oleg M. Oleynikova,##, Irina E. Zaytsevaa,###Ekaterina S. Kovalenkob,####, Mikhail M. Murashevb,#####, Konstantin M. Poduretsb,######, Anastasia V. Mandrykinac,#######, Ekaterina S. Vaschenkovac,########Anton G. Kulikovd,#########, Vasily M. Retivovc,##########, Elena Yu.  Tereschenkoe,###########and Ekaterina B. Yatsishinac,############

a Institute of Archaeology RAS, Moscow, Russia
b Kurchatov Institute National Research Centre, Moscow, Russia
c National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute” and NRC Kurchatov Institute – IREA, Moscow, Russia
d Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography at Federal Research Centre of Crystallography and Photonics RAS, Moscow, Russia
e FSRC “Crystallography and Photonics” of Russian academy of Sciences, National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute” and NRC Kurchatov Institute – IREA, Moscow, Russia

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Keywords: Veliky Novgorod, gold pendant, neutron tomography, metal composition.

The article presents the results of a comprehensive analytical study of a gold pendant with an enamel inset found in 2018 during archaeological excavations in the Commercial side of Veliky Novgorod in the strata of the early 13th century. The method of neutron tomography was used to visualize the internal structure of the pendant: all structural elements were identified and methods of their fastening were established. In the central part of the inner cavity of the pendant, under the enamel inset, a small accumulation of loose matter was found. The SEM/EDX and MS-ICP-LA methods were applied to determine the composition of the metal in various parts of the pendant, soldering, and partitions on the enamel inset. It is established that this is purest gold. This unique gold pendant from Novgorod is a true work of artistic craft. It was probably made in Rus either by Greek craftsmen or by Russian jewellers who used a Byzantine-made enamel inset.

DOI: 10.31857/S0869606322030060