Ekaterina G. Ershovaa,#, Nikolay A. Krenkeb,##, Maria B. Nosovac,###

aLomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
bInstitute of Archaeology RAS, Moscow, Russia
cMain Botanical Garden RAS, Moscow, Russia

#E-mail: ekaterinagershova@mail.ru
##E-mail: nkrenke@mail.ru
###E-mail: mashanosova@mail.ru

Keywords: agriculture, palynology, palaeoecology, the Neolithic, the Bronze Age, the Iron Age.

The article analyzes achievements over the past 50 years of studying the formation and development of producing economy in the central part of the forest zone of Eastern Europe (Moscow Region) from the Neolithic to the Iron Age inclusive. The paper focuses on comparing the results of archaeological and palaeobotanical, mainly palynological, studies. The authors conclude that, in order to determine the presence/absence of the rudiments of producing economy forms in the Neolithic sites of the Volga-Oka interfluve, it is necessary to conduct new specialized comprehensive studies in objects of different landscape confinement. The greatest progress was made in the study of economy and land use in the Iron Age (the area of the Dyakovo culture). New data make it possible to propose options for reconstructing the land use system, localizing ancient fields and pastures both within the valley complexes of the Moskva River with its large tributaries and on watersheds.

DOI: 10.31857/S086960632202009X