Yuri B. Serikova,#

aRussian State Vocational Pedagogical University (Nizhny Tagil Branch), Nizhny Tagil, Russia

#E-mail: U.B.Serikov@mail.ru

Keywords: the Middle Trans-Urals, the Neolithic, the Koksharovsky Hill sanctuary, lithic inventory, primitive technique, mineral raw materials.

The article presents the statistical-typological and mineralogical characteristics of the Neolithic complex of stone products from the Koksharovsky hill obtained during the excavations of A.I. Rossadovich. The technology of stone flaking during the Neolithic was aimed at obtaining flakes 1.5–2.5 cm wide. The flakes were processed mainly by dorsal edge retouching. The plates thus obtained served as the semi-finished product for the manufacture of knives, arrowheads, scrapers and tips. Two-sided retouch was used for processing arrowheads and knives. Abrasive technique was applied for the manufacture of chopping tools and knives. The list of mineral raw materials includes 27 items. Volcanomictic sandstone, light gray weakly siliceous rock, milky quartz, chalcedony, siliceous shale and siltstone were most actively used on the site (77.1%). Products made of slate, multicolored jasper, flint, quartzite and granodiorite were used much less often. A special feature of the complex is the presence in it of a large number (up to 25%) of unprocessed stones, pebbles and debris.

DOI: 10.31857/S0869606322020143