Vyacheslav I. Molodina, b,# and Lilia S. Kobelevaa, b,##

a Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
b Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia

#E-mail: molodin@archaeology.nsk.ru
##E-mail: lilyakobeleva@yandex.ru

Keywords: Western Siberia, the Bronze Age, the Andronovo (Fedorovo) culture, the Krotovo culture, settlement, pottery.

The article summarizes first results of studies on the materials from a new site of the developed Bronze Age in Vengerovo District (Novosibirsk Region, Baraba forest-steppe). The unique complex investigated with a modern multidisciplinary approach includes the remains of several pillar pits protruding into the bedrock. In addition, traces of two fire pits containing pottery fragments and crushed vessels were found. In the cultural layer, especially, in the ash pit, a large amount of pottery and animal bones with chopping traces was unearthed. According to the preliminary research, the bones belong to domestic animals, i.e. cow, sheep and, in a lesser degree, horse. The pottery shape and ornamentation are typical for classical Andronovo (Fedorovo) ware. At the same time, this complex does not differ in any way from the Baraba burial pottery, well known from the excavations of numerous Andronovo (Fedorovo) burial grounds. It is important to note that, along with the Andronovo pottery, a small number of ceramic fragments of the Krotovo culture were found in the cultural layer. The materials obtained from the Tartas-5 settlement do not yet unequivocally confirm the coexistence of bearers of the Krotovo and Andronovo (Fedorovo) pottery traditions within the same settlement. It is possible that migrants from the west settled on the territory already abandoned by the natives.

DOI: 10.31857/S0869606322030126