Natalia A. Birkina#

State Historical Museum, Moscow, Russia


Keywords: East European barbarian enamels, forest zone of Eastern Europe, the Dnieper region, the Roman period.

The article publishes a collection of items of the barbarian enamel circle kept in the State Historical Museum, describes the circumstances of finding the items, and refines the context of the finds based on the documents stored in the museum. The author summarizes and supplements currently available data on the chronology of the items. Some adornments are published for the first time, previously they have not been considered in the context of the East European champleve circle. This became possible owing to research on the technological methods used in their creation as well as some of the ornamental features. For all objects, the results of use-and-wear analysis are given to the extent allowed by the preservation of a certain item and the restoration measures applied on it.

DOI: 10.31857/S0869606323010051